Thursday, February 25, 2010

so i am reading as a man thinketh!

and i realise that most of what we are in now is of our own thinking ... bummer!!!!
i have focused my way out of situations before and know that it works. i know i have ,at night, sat in a quite room and visualize being slim to the point where i had lost 27 kgs and life got a lot easier . but the trick is to keep it up. and now 8 years down the track we are at a point where we are only just making ends met. so i have realised that i need to get back into the situation where i am visualising every night being slim flying over to LA to visit a dear friend , michael having a very well paid job.

i have stgart watercolour lessons from the internet. and i think i like them my first painting will be of three beautiful poppies though at this point one of them looks like it got a bit too much sun LOL!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

well what ya know!

i was half way through my paperun this morning and what do you think i saw? a kangaroo jumping across the street . you see i don't see them a lot around where i live man it just made my day/morning just to it hoppin' just as easy as you please.